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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just Riding Along... Day 20.

Nice, relaxing ride in the rain this evening, which was much needed after a rough day at work. Today I had planned to ride in the morning, but my bed was warm and toasty, and 4:30am came way too quickly for my liking. So, enter the night ride. Tonight's ride was a cleansing of sorts. A mental cleansing if you will.

This was also my first ride in my new cycling pants from Rivendell, their MUSA knickers. I am not sure if I like the word, but it is definitely better than man capris, which is essentially what they are. But, being a bit skeptical at first, they are amazing! Lightweight, reflective stripes on the legs, built in belt, Velcro on the legs, and also made here in the USA. Pretty awesome. A quality product from a great company. Now if only I could get one of their bikes...

Picture from Rivendell's site.

After this mental cleanse, it was time for a beer. Tonight's flavor was North Coast Brewing's 2011 Old Stock Ale. So far, one of my favorite beers that I have tasted, review coming soon.

While riding with my friend Eric one day, we started talking the concepts of Eastern religions. I cannot remember where this quote came from, but I found it profound, which I will probably butcher in my horrible paraphrasing: The past is not important, the future is irrelevant, the most important moment is right now. Nothing will be better than this moment. Makes complete sense.

So in that light, go do something...

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