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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Beer:30... Sam Adams Winter Lager.

Continuing the trend of winter beers, next up is this brew:

Sam Adams knows a thing or two about craft beer, starting in 1984 with the now famous Boston Lager. Being one of the craft pioneers, they continue to make beers a little outside of the box, but not too far out of the norm. That is where this beer comes in.

The Winter Lager is Sam's winter seasonal(obviously). This beer is smooth, with a nice flavor overall, but something is missing to me. It seems like a weak version of their Boston Lager, with a tiny bit of spice. The taste is very dulled down compared to other winter beers, which is quite the surprise here. I would venture to call it a Boston Lager without the bite. It is good, and it goes down smooth, but nothing spectacular. Sam puts out some good, different style beers, and I feel that this one misses the mark.

Sam Adams is a great company, with a long history in making great beers. I would almost consider them a "gateway" beer. Basically meaning that this beer, and others from them, could be a great entry into the craft beer market when just learning about your own palate. Sam Adams is also my go to bar beer in non urban areas, which usually has a horrible beer selection. It doesn't matter how far away from civilization that you travel, even the smallest, podunk country bar usually has a bottle or two of Sam Adams for the "city folk." I am okay with that, and I am sure that Jim Koch is too.

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