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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Off roading in Dayton...

Last week I spent some time in the Dayton area with my brother in law to hit up a couple different trails. This was the first time that I have been on singletrack in about a year, and thankfully my bro-in-law had an extra bike. First up for us was MoMBA. This is a very interesting trail that winds, twists and turns all over 100 acres or so. Very smooth, very twisty, and very enjoyable. One surprising section called the Hawk's Lair was very uncharacteristic for Ohio, with lots and lots of rocks. At times it felt you were somewhere else. Very nice to have something a little more technical than usual. We hit every inch of trail, with the exception of the Upper Stealth, which we were okay with not riding it. All in all, around 50 minutes of riding time, around 6 or 7 miles total.

My grade for the trail: B-
Don't get me wrong, it is a great trail. But is it worth driving to? Not really. Maybe it's worth it if you ride MoMBA and the next trail...

After MoMBA, we drove the 20 minute drive to Yellow Springs to ride the John Bryan Singletrack. This trail is very smooth. Smooth as in you could probably get away with riding a road bike on it as long as you pick the right lines. Very little elevation change, and twisty and tight. We rode the entire loop which came in at almost 11 miles and around an hour of riding time.

My grade for John Bryan: B-
Another great trail for the area, but not really worth a long drive.

So these two trails get a B-, but when combined together, it makes a great day of riding, and that deserves an A+.

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