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Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal beer, and bicycles...

For such an occasion, like the royal wedding for example, I find what little British heritage I have in my blood and force myself to celebrate. So, here's to you, British people, for having a wedding that the majority of the world tuned in for. Did I? Yes. My daughter and I watched when we woke up and chatted about the castles, princesses, and horses that flashed across the television over our morning drinks, myself black coffee, and for her chocolate milk. I have to admit, it was very pretty. For the 80 million pounds that it cost, it very well should. I find the whole monarchy over the pond very interesting, and intriguing, but I am glad that we here in the states have no such thing. I am fine with our expensive politicians and celebrities. But anyway, here is a toast to the happy couple of one of my favorite brews, Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. Glorious beer, straight from England. It is downright silly that the whole world has been caught up in this event, but at the same time it is nice to see something positive on the news.

Enough about that. While reading about the royal nuptials today, I stumbled upon a newer bicycle company that I had not heard of before.Airborne Bicycles. You might remember that name from a few years ago, that sold only direct if I remember right. Anyway, based out of Dayton Ohio, they are just starting it seems, trying to reestablish the name while making quality products. Just a quick glance through their website and you will find everything from the budget hardtail to the disc equipped cyclocross bike. Very refreshing to see a newer company putting out a quality product at a decent price. Very cool. Even though I am not getting the mountain bike miles that I would like, and I am trying to sell my single speed, I would love to try out one of these, even have one permanently in my garage. All in due time, but at their prices, it seems that I could make that work.

So all that said, I tip my stout to the happy couple, the people across the pond, and to you Airborne Bicycles. Such a nice way to end a fantastic day.

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