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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Just riding along... Groceries...

It's funny how things change a bit once you start getting older. Granted, I am no old man by any means, but things are WAY different now at thirty than when I was twenty. My life has made a complete 180 degrees in those ten years. But I am starting to get off track, that is a totally different topic altogether.

Let's just think about bicycle time at thirty rather than twenty. Gone are the days of thirty mile epic mountain bike rides that last all afternoon. Gone are the road rides that last all morning from coffee shop to coffee shop. But in their place are new rides, that for me are just as exciting. Rides with my daughter to the playground, or just around the block are a couple new rides that I find absolutely amazing. Another interesting ride that I have been doing more and more of is the grocery ride:

Thanks to the Xtracycle, I am able to squeeze in a ride to our local grocery to pickup a weeks worth of "life supplies." Tonight was one of those nights, a nice little jaunt to pick up a few of the daily essentials that we so desperately needed. Not a long ride by any means, but fulfilling nonetheless. These are the types of rides that I am starting to enjoy more and more as I get older.

By doing this type of cycling though, you are spending more time on the bike, and that is what it is all about.

Every now and again I get to fit into my schedule an epic ride, but the grocery run has become a staple in our household.

Just some thoughts, just riding along...

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