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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Beer:30... Mt. Carmel Winter Ale.

As I have stated before, I love winter beer season. It is the time of year where beers get darker, a little spice comes out to play, and the beers just warm the soul. I usually feel a little disappointment when the season is over, but how many of us would drink these darker specialties if they were available year round? I can't imagine drinking a winter ale in the heat of July. But that's me. This is a special time of year, so drink it up while it's still here!

That said, enter Mt. Carmel's Winter Ale:

This is, by far, my favorite winter/seasonal brew on the planet. Sure there are some tasty ones out there that I enjoy, but this beer is different.

For starters, just look at the label. While the mass majority of beers that hit the market have a plain label (ex. Bud, Miller, Yuengling, etc.) this beer has a beautiful winter scene gracing the bottle. It is simple, yet elegant. A nice winter scene depicting the brewery in the colder months. Their labels stand out nicely amongst the other random bottles. If you are familiar with their other seasonals, the brewery in the picture changes with the time of year. This is the only true way of telling time in my household. That's a lie, but you get the idea...

Next up, the flavor. This beer is what a winter beer should be. Best described from the label, "...Scents of Spruce and Ginger mingling with flavors of Orange Spiced bread..." You cannot argue with that description. The beer though pours nice and dark, the head has a stickiness to it, which in turn gives a creamy mouth feel. Reading that, it sounds a little dirty. But dirty this beer is not. The flavors do "mingle" nicely, giving you a taste of spice, a little hint of fruits, and the sweet malt taste that winter beers are known for. It is balanced so perfectly, you do not realize that the ABV is 8%. A true winter warmer.

Lastly, this beer is local. I really enjoy that fact. I know that the beer I am drinking is fresher than some of the others that are on the shelf/tap. This is also cutting down on my carbon footprint, just by supporting this local business. One of their shirt designs sums up this point quite nicely, "Keep your beer local, and make your conversations exotic." I like that.

If you have not checked out their site, click here to check it out.
Well done Mt. Carmel, this beer is a classic!


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