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Friday, December 9, 2011

Just Riding Along... Day 9.

Switching gears for today's ride, started off this afternoon. Temperature in the mid to high 30s, with a slight drizzle. Not enough to dampen the spirit though, just enough to freshen up the face while riding. I am really starting to enjoy riding in the rain, I cannot wait until this spring/summer to really ride in the wet weather and not be so bundled up. Cycling washes away most of your bad thoughts, and the rain adds another element of the cleansing. Enough of that hippie talk, here is the map:

Nice little ride today through the nearby neighborhood of Indian Hill. This is one of my favorite areas to ride, mostly due to the rural setting of the area. It is one of the most expensive areas in the greater Cincinnati region, so the houses are spaced far apart, giving it a country like quality. A few of the main roads are heavily traveled, but off of those major routes are the quiet country roads that everyone on a bicycle seeks out for their personal enjoyment. Add nice climbing to the gorgeous scenery and you have a great bicycle ride.

This ride brought one of my favorite hills, Kugler Mill, and even a little bit of snow. It was nice to see some snow on the ride, hopefully it will continue on through the night and surprise me tomorrow morning. Can't wait...

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