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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Just Riding Along... Day 28.

Once again, my warm bed wins. Today's plan was to be up and out in the early AM light, but again, my bed kept me corralled under the warm, toasty covers. It is really hard for me to get moving on my days off, especially when my 3 year old alarm clock does not go off. Usually, when she sleeps in, so do I. Today was a prime example of that. Anyway, got a nice ride in this evening after what my wife and I were calling "Family Fun Day." Lots of good adventures in and around the city for my family and I. While out today, I took my camera along and here are a few shots from the day:

Eagle statue near Krohn Conservatory.

Some type of pitcher plant from the Orchid Room at the Conservatory.

Cormorant and Fisherman statue from Eden Park.

Nice day to be outside today, and an even nicer evening to be on the bike. Around 13 miles for today, hopefully I can make it up and out in the morning tomorrow to log some long miles. Early to bed, early to rise, right?

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