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Friday, December 16, 2011

Just Riding Along... Day 16.

Morning ride for Day 16. Due to the recent temperatures around 60 degrees, I had forgotten what colder temperatures were like. This morning brought brisk mid-thirties to wake me up. Not as cold as it has been this month, but a welcome shock to the system after these past couple days. Great way to start the day, and a few other people were out and about on my route this morning, which I rarely see anyone on the morning rides. That was a welcome sight.

Like one of my last few rides, I had a song stuck in my head that would not go away. I say that like I didn't like it, but sometimes you want the next song to pop into your mind. That did not happen for me today, as this was the song that stuck with me:

Not sure why this was in my head, but such a great song. Thankfully I have not had a bad song stuck in my head on these rides. That mixed with colder temperatures would be almost unbearable. I am sure that the colder temps will be on their way soon enough...

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